
All About My Adventures

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When I first read the question, “Why I’m Going on the World Race?” I wasn’t sure how to answer. The simple answer is that I have a love for traveling, and my faith is important to me. My junior year at K-State brought back memories of my deeper desire. In the fall semester, I had made the decision to go overseas through my campus ministry. I got put on a team, and we began meeting, learning, training, praying, and growing in community together in preparation to go to Asia during the summer. In January we heard COVID had taken over Asia, and it was quickly getting worse. At this point, it hadn’t hit the U.S. badly yet. The month of February came, and we were told we would be rerouted to the country of Georgia. I was sad but knew I was still going to get the opportunity to go overseas to share the gospel. By the middle of March, we were told our trip had been canceled. My excitement for this trip was crushed in a phone call. I was heartbroken and angry. I spent the next 4 years wondering if I would ever get the opportunity to go overseas and share the gospel again. As my heart for teaching and my desire to go overseas continued to grow, I started to have conversations with mentors and friends about how I would love to teach overseas. I had a mentor at church mention an opportunity where I could do this. In the summer of 2023, I went to Cape Town, South Africa, for two months. I spent most of my time in an elementary school helping in a first and third grade classroom with small groups. I got involved in a church and a youth group, which filled me up spiritually. I came back to the states with an even bigger desire to go overseas and share the gospel with people. The question of whether I will ever get to go was still heavily on my mind. I started my third year of teaching a few weeks after returning from South Africa. By December, my passion for teaching was at an all-time low. I knew I was drained and needed to take a break. I began brainstorming other things I could do instead. I applied for a residency program in Waco, TX. In the program, I would get the opportunity to see what having a ministry position in a church looks like. I was so excited and felt very strongly that this would be the perfect next step for me. I had two interviews, so I thought this was it. After my second interview, I was told I wasn’t selected for final interviews. I was met with anger and brokenness again. I was back to square one, trying to figure out what I would do instead of teaching. The same mentor who told me about South Africa had another opportunity for me in mind. She sent me a link to this website called the World Race. I looked at the website and knew right away this is what I wanted to do. I applied, had an interview, and was accepted. I was reminded of the question I asked myself back in 2020, “Would I ever get the opportunity to go share the gospel again?” I heard the Lord so clearly and loudly answer that with yes, you’re ready to go. If you had told me five years ago I would be leaving my family, friends, and community in Manhattan for 11 months, I would’ve looked at you like you’re crazy, and there’s no way I would ever do that. I am amazed at how the Lord has matured me and used my experiences over the last five years for this eleven-month adventure ahead. “Why I’m Going on the World Race?” The answer: I have peace, rest, and confidence from the Lord that I’m ready to go. 

5 responses to “Why I’m Going on the World Race”

  1. Lillie!! How exciting is this?! Praying for peace, joy, and good health as you prepare for this trip! Praying for the Lord to use your faithfulness to further His Kingdom!

  2. Our little Lillie…all grown up and ready to take on a mission of a life-time. It’s always amazing how those tiny seeds grow and fill one’s heart with the passion and desire to do just what you are embarking on. May the Lord continue to walk beside you, bless you, and be your constant companion as you embark on this wonderful adventure.

    Question: Do you need financial support?

  3. You are really doing it!!!! So proud of your perseverance & grit to get to where you need to be. We will be following your adventure. (And keeping Mom calm while you travel).
    Cindy & Chris.

  4. This is going to be an amazing opportunity! You are a different maker and this is a great step in your journey! Wishing you memories of of a lifetime! “Aunt Jami”. 🥰

  5. I will most definitely be keeping you in thought and prayer while you journey on this mission adventure, Lillie! I will very much miss you here in the neighborhood while you’re gone, but I look very forward to following your experiences on your blog and I look even more forward to your safe return! Prayers for you as you do our Lord’s work!♥️🙏♥️🙏♥️🙏♥️